Debt Management Services
The Debt Management Services Office (formerly the Collections Office) provides counseling for Bruins repaying their federal student loans and for those with outstanding campus/University debt. Our office works with students, graduates, and alumni to find the best way to bring (and keep) their loans and/or outstanding balances current. We strive to offer repayment options that fit any budget. We also make our debt management and collection services available to the other offices/departments of our campus and the UC system.
Loan Services
Our office administers long-term educational loans, such as Direct, GPLS, PLUS, Health Professions and private/auxiliary loans as well as all campus-based loan, such as University/Regents Loans. We assist in resolving disbursement issues. We provide online entrance loan counseling and budget counseling. We also provide online exit loan counseling to student borrowers who have completed their program or dropped below half-time.
Financial Wellness Program
Handling finances isn't necessarily fun, especially if you are not accustomed to managing your yourself! The mission of the UCLA Financial Wellness Program is to empower all Bruins to confidently navigate their finances in a way that supports their overall well-being and fosters financial literacy skills through workshops, coaching and online educational efforts.
Economic Crisis Response Team
Support and guidance to students who have self-identified, or are identified by UCLA faculty or staff, as experiencing a financial crisis that impacts their academic success at UCLA. If you are experiencing a financial crisis beyond your already available financial aid resources and want to request an assessment of available resources to assist with your needs, contact the ECR team.
Basic Needs at Strathmore (BN@Strath)
Offers essential support services and well-being support in partnership with campus departments. ECRT, Financial Wellness, and Loan Services are located in this space to provide financial education-related services and programs, meal support services, loan counseling, economic crisis support, short-term loans, study space, and personal care support and referrals.